Friday, 5 October 2018

Shell Shocked

26.09. - 26.10.2018
Éditions Même pas mal, Marseille, France

"Shell Shocked" (2018), is a self-published book containing a series of ink on paper portrait drawings, in progress since 2016. “Shell Shocked” is the follow-up to “Making Space”, a series of drawings based on landscape long-shots, showing explosions, in news media. Shell shock is a term coined in World War I to loosely describe what is referred to as posttraumatic stress disorder (PSD) today. The mechanisation of artistic expression and the consequences of the ideals of Futurism are some further themes reflected on during the making of “Shell Shocked”. Drawings and screen-prints from this series were exhibited.

To lighten the atmosphere, drawings and prints in the style of the gags regularly posted on, were also on display.

The exhibition was during a turbulent month in Marseille. I ended up moving my work-table into the exhibition, making it a work in progress situation and producing another body of work.


Saturday, 15 September 2018

Vier Wände (Four Walls - Group Exhibiton)

1. - 30.09.2018
in the former undertaker residence of the St. Marien - St. Nikolai Cemetery, Berlin, Germany

An exhibition by the artists of the Jott P.M. Workshop: Lea Donner, Julienne Jattiot, Andy Leuenberger, Timo Moors, Susann Pönisch

Jott P.M. is the screen-pinting workshop and loose collective of artists and print-makers that I joined in the beginning of 2018. We are presenting our individual work in a group exhibition.

I presented ink on paper drawings and screen-prints that are a further, and addition to the "Shell Shocked" series. “Shell Shocked” is series of ink on paper portrait drawings and has been in progress since 2016.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Andy Leuenberger at Neon Kunst

29. - 31.06.2018
Neon Kunst, Berlin Neukölln, Germany
A triple Choke Book release extravaganza and exhibition by Andy Leuenberger. The original drawings of the three following new books were on the walls:

"Robocock Wars", 2017 (17,5 x 23,5 cm, cover: screen-print, 2C, 300g, stapled, edition: 100, signed & numbered). A series of 44 drawings about post-industrial man.
"The Big Book of Boner Jokes", 2017 (14 x 19 cm, 60 pages, stapled)
60 tragicomic drawings, which apparently aren't a laughing matter anymore.
"The Fight Game", 2018 (14 x 19 cm, 60 pages, stapled)

Tendereta XVI

8. - 9.06.2018
Tenderete, Festival d'autoedició grafica, Valencia, Spain

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Light Head

16.03. – 06.04.2018
Serigraffeur Galerie, Berlin, Germany

The “Light Head” exhibition in Serigraffeur Galerie will showed a new edition of screen-prints from his on going “Shell Shocked” series. Diverse other prints from the past year where also on display.